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COMTES FHT Science and technology park Dobřany
Průmyslová 1298
33441 Dobřany
Tel.: +420377197311
Fax: +420377197310
Park location on the map: here 26316919
Director: Ing. Michal Zemko, PhD. (
Operating data of the park
Membership in STPA: YES
State of the park: accredited
Partner in project SPINNET: NO
Launch day: 30.11. 2018Founder(s): COMTES FHT a.s.
Owner(s): COMTES FHT a.s.
Operator(s): COMTES FHT a.s.Type of entity: research organisation
Criteria for acceptance of innovation firm: Compliance of the business plan and R&D projects of the innovative company with the focus of STP. -
Description of the park
The goal of VTP COMTES is to provide comprehensive support to SMEs in their development and innovation of products and services. The purpose of the VTP COMTES science and technology park is to include the entire value chain of primary and supporting activities in research and development of metallic materials and technologies of their production.
Description of technology transfer
– cooperation in R&D – management of R&D projects
– services directly related to technology transfer (TT) in the Czech Republic and abroad
– ensuring technological audit as a way of checking mainly the setting of parameters of used technologies and systems
– providing the „technology watch“ service – mapping the market of existing technologies – information on offers and demands for new technologies and opportunities for cooperation in their development; VTP will become a member of the European network in support of TT and will thus have access to a continuously updated database of offers and demands for technologies, materials and innovative solutions; Those interested in the service will be sent updated information from the database electronically
– providing the „partner search“ service – searching for partners from the application sphere in the Czech Republic and abroad; VTP will establish contact with the European Enterprise Europe Network supported by the European Commission
– organization of cooperation exchanges with the participation of domestic and foreign R&D entities and companies, where activities and achieved results will be presented and space will be created for bilateral negotiations with potential partners / customers, exchange of views and dialogue
– professional advice on technology transfer – legal standards, licenses, patent attorney services
– financial and subsidy consultancy, information on EU and Czech programs to support R&D and innovation, assistance in the preparation of these projects, mediation of banking expert services for technology transferSpecific examples of technology transfer:
1. Investigation of mechanical properties of CuCrZr, CuAgZr and Inconel, including heat treatment
– Long-term cooperation with the German company Impact Innovations GmbH regarding the development of cold spray technologies, additive production and component testing.2. Development of special welding wires in cooperation with the Prague company BREVIL, export-import, spol. s r.o.
– 3. Cooperation with ŠKOLA WELDING s.r.o. on the development and qualification of welding procedures for special materials
–4. Long-term cooperation with Czech Precision Forge a.s. on the development and optimization of die forging technologies of components for marine engines, energy and other areasInnovative entrepreneurship training
Companies located in VTP have at their disposal the entire value chain of primary and supporting activities directly related to the activities of the research organization COMTES FHT a.s., which deals with research and development of metallic materials.
VTP COMTES stimulates the prosperity of start-up companies with a technological focus by creating conditions for connecting research and development entities with companies and supporting their cooperation.
-An example of a successful project in the field of education for innovative entrepreneurship is, for example, the participation of the operator VTP spol. COMTES FHT s.r.o. in the POSPOL project (Support for cooperation between schools and companies with a focus on vocational education in practice). The project aimed to strengthen the links between the university, the CzechInvest office for the Pilsen region, research organizations, industrial companies and the Business Innovation Center (BIC Plzeň). Another goal of the project was to speed up and improve the exchange of information between research organizations, industry and their representative organizations.-Link to project: konkurenceschopnos
Advisory services
– accounting and tax advice
– audit and certification
– legal advice
– marketing consulting
– use of information and communication technologies in the company
– financial advice: – financial and subsidy advice, information on EU and Czech programs to support R&D and innovation, assistance in the preparation of these projects, mediation of banking expert services for technology transfer-Professional services – laboratory analyzes, measurements and other services
research organizations COMTES FHT a.s.Innovation infrastructure
SME have available an innovative infrastructure:
3D printer,
CAE software
laboratories COMTES FHT a.s.VTP COMTES and its employees actively participate in the development of regional innovation infrastructure, eg by active participation in the Regional Council for Research, Development and Innovation, membership in the industry platforms of intelligent specialization of the Pilsen Region.
VTP COMTES is listed in the RIS-3 strategy of the Pilsen Region.
VTP COMTES works closely with the Mechatronics Cluster, which brings together several innovative companies and other entities, and is also a member of the National Cluster Association. VTP together with KM regularly organize projects of national and international cooperation in Research and Development
Cooperation with universities
– University of West Bohemia in Pilsen – Faculty of Mechanical Engineering
– University of West Bohemia in Pilsen – Faculty of Applied Sciences
– University of West Bohemia in Pilsen – New technologies – research center
– Charles University – Faculty of Medicine in Pilsen
– Charles University – Faculty of Mathematics and Physics
– Czech Technical University – Faculty of Mechanical Engineering
– Institute of Chemical Technology in PragueExamples of specific cooperation:
In order to support the training of young professionals, COMTES FHT a.s. concluded cooperation agreements with several universities in the Czech Republic and abroad. COMTES participates in the education of graduates and doctoral students in the form of a training workplace for practical exercises and demonstrations of devices and laboratories, the organization of professional seminars and the preparation of joint professional publications. University students complete study stays and internships at COMTES and work on the topics of their year or diploma theses. They use modern laboratory and instrumentation facilities.
Since 2014, a total of 9 COMTES FHT employees (Dlouhý, Džugan, Heller, Kubec, Kubina, Mašek, Vojtěch and Zemko) have taught at the UWB in Pilsen / Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, VŠB-Technical University of Ostrava, CTU Prague, University of Chemical Technology in Prague. ). These researchers also acted as consultants / tutors for master’s and postgraduate students. In the same period, under their leadership, she defended her diploma, resp. the doctoral thesis was defended by 15 resp. 8 students.
Furthermore, employees (Dlouhý, Konopík, Šuchmann, Dlouhý, Podaný) participate in WELDING-PLZEŇ courses for welding engineers.
Regular excursions for students of secondary schools, secondary schools and universities (FST ZČU)
Cooperation with the Young Creators project ( -
Services provided to innovation companies
by STPexternalConsultancybusiness planstechnological advisorypatent advisorycertification advisoryfinancing advisoryaccountinglegal advisorymarketing advisoryeducation (courses for enterpreneurs)by STPexternalTechnical servicessecretarial servicestelephone exchangetelephone, faxcopytext processingreceptionbuffet, cantineconference spacecomputer for technical usageworkshopslaboratoriesaccess to data banksexhibition spaceby STPexternalFinancingequitycreditssubsidiesother forms -
Service expenses
STP service costsonly according to actual costsonly fixed payment tarifffixed payment and additional charge for usein lumps: rent, security, cleaning, phone, postOher costs (p.a.)acc. to usagefixed CZK/m2heatingelectricityotherstotalRent (p.a.)CZK/m2office space2900production space750others -
Statistical data
innovationotherinstitutionsTOTALCompanies9413Employees731285Rented area m235352423777STPLand area12867 m2Built up park area2348 m2Utility area3960 m2– Rented area3777 m2= Remains for rent183 m2 -
Innovation companies
Aliz s.r.o. 07758936
Consulting in the field of technical innovationMiroslav Hejzek
1200 – New materials
1402 – Aviation engineering
1403 – Aerospace engineering
1404 – Rail- and road-traffic engineering
9900 – Other
72 – Computer and related activities
ET Additive s.r.o. 11928883
Mission of ET Additive s.r.o. is to assist business partners in implementing additive metal production – a key technology for maintaining competitiveness in the 21st century for many industries.As part of additive metal production, we offer consulting services, training, custom design and custom production of Powder Bed Fusion (PBF) technologies, including the necessary postprocessing.
We sell PBF 3D printers under our own brand using a technical core developed at the prestigious Taiwan Industrial Technology Institute (ITRI).
Jakub Kraus
Tel.: +420 725 845 869
0503 – Laser technology (other)
93 – Other service activities
Ing. Jiří Živec 43194591
Development and repair of measuring equipment and special electronicsIng. Jiří Živec
Tel.: +420 602 467 329
E-mail: seff@centrum.czTechnologies:
0800 – Measurement and control
0801 – Measurement and control
0900 – Microelectronics
9011 – Software development
9900 – Other
72 – Computer and related activities
73 – Research and development
KREIS inženýring s.r.o. 26402262
The company “KREIS inženýring s.r.o.” was founded 18 years ago in the Pilsen Region.The fields of business that we register include: Architectural activities, Wholesale and retail; repairs and maintenance of motor vehicles, construction site preparation, but also deals with 9 other fields. It is active without activity restrictions.
Josef Kreis
Tel.: +420774444494
E-mail: kreis@kreis.czTechnologies:
0300 – Production and process engineering
28 – Manufacture of fabricated metal products, exceptmachinery and equipment
Luboš Duchek 64866246
A representative of the Klinker company, offering a wide range of face masonry, Klinker-type brick paving and other accessories, from which small builders and large companies can choose.Luboš Duchek
Tel.: +420 608 690 950
WWW: http://www.klinkercentrum.czTechnologies:
9900 – Other
45 – Construction
Pešek Machinery s.r.o. 26401967
We love engineering, which can be seen at first sight as being done with great care and experience. And that is exactly the path we have decided to take. We mainly produce machine sets and weldments that require a unique approach and unique solutions. We supply them to all industries, from the automotive industry to energy. They all have a common denominator without distinction. They show an honest approach to the craft and the experience of our employees.Miroslav Pešek
Tel.: +420 777 194 861
Fax: +420 377 988 004
WWW: http://www.kovopesek.czTechnologies:
0302 – Production and process engineering
28 – Manufacture of fabricated metal products, exceptmachinery and equipment
93 – Other service activities
PROINNO a.s. 02593572
The company offers very flexible processing of orders in the field of metallurgical technologies (melting, forming and heat treatment), computer modeling, material analysis and mechanical testing, or thermophysical measurements.Dr. Ing. ZBYŠEK NOVÝ
Tel.: +420 377 197 301
0207 – Hydrogen technology
9900 – Other
72 – Computer and related activities
73 – Research and development
74 – Other business activities
93 – Other service activities
Smart Technologies s.r.o. 26393301
The company specializes in the design and manufacture of anti-type tools made of aluminum, wood, plastic, stainless steel and iron. Injection molds of plastic or rubber. Both individual inserts and entire molds. Control templates and entire workplaces, for example with camera systems, are a matter of course. We digitize the customer’s product and continue to work with the obtained 3D data in the design and subsequent production.We have implemented a number of inspection workplaces for testing automotive parts, hundreds of complete injection molds, inspection and assembly jigs or templates.
Ing. Karel Ringelhán
Tel.: +420 371 650 621
9900 – Other
25 – Manufacture of rubber and plastic products
28 – Manufacture of fabricated metal products, exceptmachinery and equipment
ŠKOLA WELDING s.r.o. 47718552The company provides comprehensive services in the field of training, education and testing of welding personnel, auditing, inspection, consulting and business activities.
David Rambousek
Tel.: +420 606 643 952
0300 – Production and process engineering
28 – Manufacture of fabricated metal products, exceptmachinery and equipment
80 – Education
Subject:3D COVER – Kovové materiály v procesním řetězci aditivní výrobyCountry:GermanyType of cooperation:common project
Description: 3D COVER researches and develops specific material properties, which will form the basis of a knowledge database for the process of powder additive production (AM) using a laser (selective laser melting – SLS or SLM). The planned project combines the top knowledge of three research institutions in the region, which form a unique combination. 3D COVER forms the research foundations of the entire process, which will evolve into a production technology in the future that will be as important as the production of components by traditional processing and melting. The aim of the project is to create a knowledge base for SLM, which is currently insufficient. Another goal, which builds on the equipment and expertise, is to create research infrastructure, connect its capacities and support further future-oriented training of professionals in the project area. Contact web:Contact e-mail:Subject:Impact Innovations GmbHCountry:GermanyType of cooperation:otherDescription: Development of cold spray technologies, additive production, component testing. Contact web:Contact e-mail:Subject:NANJING UNIVERSITY OF SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGYCountry:ChinaType of cooperation:common projectDescription: The aim of the project is to improve the manufacturability and repairability of forming and cutting tools using additive
production (hereinafter referred to as AM). The main emphasis is on two types of tools, forming tools and cutting tools
tools that are thermally and mechanically stressed during their life cycle. Functional edges a
the corners in the mold cavity are the most worn parts of the tools and the potential of AM will be used to
production and repairs of these parts using additional material with excellent thermomechanical
properties compared to the base material. They will be explicitly added for the basic part of the form
ordinary steels and functional layers will be added and abrasion resistant materials. Utilization is planned
intermediate layers between the base material and the functional layer to create high quality
functional parts of the tools.Contact web:Contact e-mail:Subject:Automotive Center Südwestfalen GmbHCountry:GermanyType of cooperation:common projectDescription: development of special sheets for deformation zones of car bodies Contact web:Contact e-mail:Subject:Matplus GmbHCountry:GermanyType of cooperation:common projectDescription: development of precipitation hardening stainless steel processing technology Contact web:Contact e-mail:
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