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Štefánikova 1208
544 01 Dvůr Králové nad Labem
Tel.: +420 603 461627
Fax: +420 499320149
Director: Jan Marek (
Operating data of the park
Membership in STPA: YES
State of the park: in process of accreditation
Partner in project SPINNET: NO
Launch day: 6.2. 2025Founder(s): InoTEX – LTd.
Owner(s): InoTEX
Operator(s): InoTEXType of entity: Provate Innovation and technol
Criteria for acceptance of innovation firm: InoTEX Ltd. provides innovation and technology transfer activities by use of own technological backg -
Description of the park
InoTEX Ltd. cary out a technological research and development of textile finishing processes. Fast transfer of results into the industrila proactice support by use of own small scale productions – (bio)chemical TAA (textile auxiliary agents). (Multi)functional textiles innovation supported by own small lot dyeing, finishing facilities. Distribution and application service of dyes and TAA. Search for emerging sustainable and cleaner resources, circular economy for TC.
Description of technology transfer
Wet processing of textiles, special textile (bio)chemicals – TAA
Innovative entrepreneurship training
Collaboration with Textile Faculty of TU Liberec and Uni Pardubice CHTF
Advisory services
Cleaner production in textile wet processing – (multi)functional finishing, dyeing and coluoristic.
Innovation infrastructure
Lab research and pilot – model technolgical capacities for textile wet processing; small lot production of speciality ((bio)chemicals -TAA, small lot dyeing and finishing (functinalization, coating). Acredited textile testing. Emerging clener productions and sustainable resources.
Cooperation with universities
TU liberec – Textile Faculty
Uni Pardubice – CHT faculty -
Services provided to innovation companies
by STPexternalConsultancybusiness planstechnological advisorypatent advisorycertification advisoryfinancing advisoryaccountinglegal advisorymarketing advisoryeducation (courses for enterpreneurs)by STPexternalTechnical servicessecretarial servicestelephone exchangetelephone, faxcopytext processingreceptionbuffet, cantineconference spacecomputer for technical usageworkshopslaboratoriesaccess to data banksexhibition spaceby STPexternalFinancingequitycreditssubsidiesother forms -
Service expenses
STP service costsonly according to actual costsonly fixed payment tarifffixed payment and additional charge for usein lumps: rent, security, cleaning, phone, postOher costs (p.a.)acc. to usagefixed CZK/m2heatingelectricityotherstotalRent (p.a.)CZK/m2office spaceproduction spaceothers -
Statistical data
innovationotherinstitutionsTOTALCompaniesEmployeesRented area m2STPLand areaBuilt up park areaUtility area– Rented area= Remains for rent0 m2 -
Innovation companies
This park doesn’t contain any innovation companies
(or no innovation companies meet your search criteria) -
Subject:Regiotex BRUSELCountry:BelgiumType of cooperation:other
Description: Taking part of Hr.Kralove, Liberec and Pardubice regions in the Eurpean Regiotex S3 network. Member of ETP FTC Governing board. Represents ATOK CZ in the Innovation task force EURATEX Brusel. Contact web:Contact e-mail: