Research and innovation activities available in Pilsen, Czech Republic
Over 4000 sq m of high standard office space and light production space for research and innovation activities soon available in Pilsen, Czech Republic
The foundation stone laying ceremony at the end of March 2011 started the next phase of the development of the Pilsen Science and Technology Park located in the West Bohemian region. By April 2012, new office and light-industrial units will be built in seven buildings in the Borska Pole Municipal Industrial Park, one of the most successful development zones in the Czech Republic.
The activities of the Pilsen Science and Technology Park have started in the middle of the 90ties. The City of Pilsen considered the project as the most important „building stone“ for creating the business environment favourable for local start-ups as well as for attracting innovative, high tech and knowledge-based companies in the region.
Built on the long industrial tradition of the city of Pilsen and consequently, on qualified labour force in the region, the Pilsen Science and Technology Park can offer many advantages to its potential clients.
First, thanks to the excellent geographical position of the city, the Pilsen Science and Technology Park benefits undoubtedly from its placement close to the D5 highway between Prague and Nuremberg. In addition, the Park is also situated in close proximity to the University of West Bohemia campus educating over 19,000 students and offering research activities at the technology faculties – of Applied Sciences, Electrical Engineering, and Mechanical Engineering as well as at the university research centres. It provides park clients with a unique opportunity to collaborate with the research base and take advantage of highly skilled labour force.
Up to now, there is a total of over 6000 sq m of accommodation available for all sizes of business, ranging from small start-ups to larger operations or technology centres. So far, over 70 businesses, research and development centres have already benefited from the location and services of the park infrastructure.
The group of current occupants include a wide range of companies active in the sectors like ICT, material engineering, electronics, biotech, energy, and others. Namely, as for electronics, Kontron ECT design, a global leader in embedded computing technology can be mentioned. The park hosts also MBtech Bohemia, a daughter company of MBtech Group, who develops, integrates, and tests components, systems, modules and vehicles worldwide. Among others, the biotech sector is represented by the company AbCheck, who specializes in the human antibody discovery by utilising platforms for the discovery and generation of antibodies. In addition, many start-ups have already benefited from services provided by BIC Plzen – Business and Innovation Centre – and from lease of premises at affordable prize.
As a result of successful development of park activities, it was decided to extend the facilities available in the area dedicated to science and technology. New high standard office units, light-industrial units and additional facilities for common services will therefore be available soon and over 4000 sq m divided into many size units will be able to lease.
Office units ranging in size 20 – 400 sq m are fitted to quality office standards. Light-industrial units in size 80- 160 sq m can be used for light production, testing of new technologies or as a laboratory space. Many services are offered to park client companies, such as 24 hour security, car park, meeting rooms, seminar and conference rooms, and catering facility.
Park consulting services provider, BIC Plzen, offers a wide range of advisory services, access to academic resources, networking, information about funding opportunities in order to help companies to start their activities and growth in Pilsen. Discounted services and rent under specific conditions are available within the park for its tenants as well.
More information can be provided by:
BIC Plzen
Jana Klementova
Riegrova 1, 30100 Plzen, Czech Republic
Telephone: +420 377 235 379
Fax: +420 377 235 320