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The South Bohemian Science and Technology Park, corp.

Lipová 1789/9
37005 České Budějovice
Tel.: +420 383 579 111

Park location on the map: here 28080581
Director: Mgr. František Mlčák (

  • Operating data of the park

    Membership in STPA: YES
    State of the park: accredited
    Partner in project SPINNET: NO
    Launch day: 1.12. 2014

    Founder(s): South Bohemian Science and Technology Park, corp.
    Owner(s): South Bohemian Science and Technology Park, corp.
    Operator(s): South Bohemian Science and Technology Park, corp.

    Type of entity: joint-stock company
    Criteria for acceptance of innovation firm: innovative business, cooperation with other subject from the region

  • Description of the park


    The project of the second stage of the JVTP was implemented by the company Jihočeský vědeckotechnický park, a.s., which is 100% owned by the South Bohemian Region. This company is also the administrator of the building.
    The mission and purpose of JVTP is primarily to support business in the South Bohemian region, but in a broader context in the Czech Republic. JVTP is suitable both for small and medium-sized innovative companies, addressing the issue of suitable spaces for their growth, and for university graduates who can implement their ideas or business plans in the park and thus start a career in optimal conditions. It is also logical to connect the science and technology park to the University of South Bohemia, the Biological Center of the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic and other research institutions, schools and organizations in the region.

    Description of technology transfer

    JVTP activities in the field of technology transfer include, for example, connecting the research and application spheres, providing assistance for starting cooperation or identifying new knowledge for technology transfer.

    Through the Smart Accelerator+ I challenge, JVTP enables the development of capacities and competences contributing to the creation of conditions for the strengthening of intelligent specialization, the development of innovation ecosystems and the development of cooperation between research organizations, educational institutions, the corporate sphere and the public sector. One of the key activities of the SA+I project is the pilot verification activity. The activity aims to create and verify a new tool to support the innovation environment, which has not yet been implemented in the region. It is a tool for supporting the transfer of knowledge and technology understood as a comprehensive set of activities and processes leading to the application of the results of research and development of universities, colleges and other research organizations on the market.
    Planned impacts of the pilot verification in the region:
    – increasing cooperation between research organizations and industry (and other application partners) by aligning and adapting R&D results to the business needs of the application sector;
    – more intensive expert support for the commercialization of R&D results;
    – instigating a discussion on the possibilities of financing the transfer of knowledge and technology, so that it is motivating for all participating states to cooperate;
    – improving the conditions for start-up companies, primarily by setting supportive conditions for the creation of so-called spin-off companies.
    The Pilot Verification Project will be carried out on partial Commercialization Projects. The duration of individual Commercialization Projects will be determined individually within the duration of the Pilot Verification Project. The announcement took place in November 2023, the expected implementation period is 2 years.

    Innovative entrepreneurship training

    JVTP, a.s. with the financial guarantee of the South Bohemian Region, implements a program called South Bohemia – business ideas competition, the aim of which is to support budding entrepreneurs and new ideas of existing SMEs in the competition, which offers a number of free seminars and individual consultations for those registered with the intention of transforming ideas into business plans and further supporting them , to transform into a successful business. Over the six years of the competition (2018 to 2023), 98 business ideas were supported. Starting in 2021, the competition was expanded to include the Jihoczech Startup Camp, an informal but intensive event with people from practice focused on a simple definition of an idea, its unique value for the customer, the technical possibilities of its solution and the gradual steps to its implementation. After the end of the camp, the usual series of professional seminars with experienced mentors started, necessary for turning a business idea into a business plan (plan). Each year, the competition also includes effective training in presentation skills and the festive finale of the competition, which traditionally presents business ideas to an expert jury, potential partners and investors. Marketing, information and networking support throughout the duration of the competition, but also after its end, is a tradition for the participants and a matter of course for us.

    In order to search for business ideas and prepare them for participation in the competition, the „From Idea to Implementation“ program was introduced, which is a joint initiative of regional organizations dealing with business support. These are regular cycles of webinars to support entrepreneurship and first thinking about your own business idea. In 2023, the cycle of webinars continued. These webinars with practitioners regularly meet with great interest from participants.

    In 2023, the cross-border Czech-Austrian competition for business ideas and startups called the Cross-border Start-up & Idea Contest continued. The competition is implemented in cooperation with the South Bohemian Region and Upper Austria, with the professional support of JVTP, a.s. and the Austrian incubator tech2b. It competed in the following categories: idea, startup and cross-border impact. The winner of each category received 10,000 euros to start or accelerate their project. A total of 39 contestants were involved in the second year of the competition, 24 projects came from South Bohemia and 15 from Upper Austria. Two of the three categories were won by companies located in JVTP:

    Ondřej Otáhal (HERBAVITA CZ, startup category) – a project in which artificial intelligence automates, accelerates and facilitates the detection of the causes of one of the most costly diseases in dairy cattle – inflammation of the mammary gland. The new technology, combined with natural feed supplements, has the ambition to significantly contribute to reducing the use of antibiotics in dairy farms across the EU.
    Jonáš Benjamin Tekel (idea category) – development of an application that uses AI to identify patient ECG graphs and thereby eliminates possible errors by doctors.

    JVTP, a.s. it also provides internships for students, who thus have the opportunity to gain knowledge from the real operation of the science and technology park. Employees of JVTP, a.s. regularly lectures students at the University of South Bohemia about new technologies, but also about the function of science and technology parks in general and their position in the innovation system.

    The South Bohemian Acceleration Program is another element of the systematic support of innovative entrepreneurs in the South Bohemian Region provided by the South Bohemian Science and Technology Park in cooperation with the South Bohemian Region and with its financial guarantee. Thanks to this tool, it is possible to follow up on the information and mentoring support provided to start-up entrepreneurs during the South Czech Regional Business Ideas Competition and thus support the entry of participants into the business itself. At the same time, in this way, we can ensure the effective setting of the entrepreneurial activity of budding entrepreneurs and prepare them for drawing on professional services and possible support for increasing their innovation potential in the next stages of their development.
    In 2023, the second year of the South Bohemian Acceleration Program took place, which brought other interesting projects of innovative start-up entrepreneurs. In all cases, the support provided was directed to novel, technologically interesting business plans, which helped to speed up the entry of their products into the market and to speed up business activities in the initial phase of business. 6 projects were supported this year.
    In the years 2023-2025, JVTP is the implementer of the project Concept of development and support of KKO in the South Bohemian Region 2025-2035. The main goal of the project is to create strategic material for the development and support of cultural and creative industries (hereinafter referred to as „KKO“), which will include quantitative and qualitative mapping of KKO in the South Bohemian Region.
    The project aims to map the environment and state of KKO, while the submitter will use the obtained quantitative and qualitative data as an analytical basis for setting a strategic framework for the further development and support of KKO in the South Bohemian Region. The obtained data analyzes will serve the South Bohemian Region for the development of activities aimed at supporting KKO, such as the networking of economically active subjects, the development of the infrastructure of the South Bohemian Region and the support of specific KKO in the affected area.
    From February 2024, JVTP is the implementer of the JihoSTART Program project, which supports, in the form of a subsidy of up to 100%, the provision of preferential expert consulting and mentoring services for innovative budding entrepreneurs and start-ups in the South Bohemian region, or from other regions, if the impact of the subject of business can also be defined in South Bohemian Region.

    Advisory services

    The activities of JVTP, a.s. is formulated in the public service obligation for the South Bohemian Region and can be divided into three areas:
    1. management of JVTP administration Stage IIA and related activities, coordination of activities necessary for operation
    2. activities related to securing relationships with established companies
    3. provision of specialized services of the science and technology park
    Ensuring relationships with established companies consists both in communication with potential clients and in communication with existing tenants. It is mainly an evaluation of business activities of interested parties with possible recommendations. In the case of settled clients, JVTP prepares regular meetings of tenants to establish further cooperation.
    The services provided are a comprehensive offer from the elaboration of business plans, feasibility studies, financial plans to the preparation of research, development and innovation projects, including grant advice and ensuring the protection of intellectual property. Services are also available through established companies, so the emphasis is on a balanced structure of tenants.

    In the years 2021-2023, thanks to the implementation of the JVTP Services – Trend Support (PoTr) project, preferential expert consulting services were also provided for SMEs from the South Bohemian Region in the areas of introducing innovations, optimizing company processes, their gradual digitization and introducing Industry 4.0 elements into business practice. The project was supported by the Ministry of Industry and Trade within OP PIK – Infrastructure Services.
    It was a comprehensive SME support program in the form of providing consulting services with a 75% subsidy. A total of 44 regional SMEs were supported. Support within the program was implemented in the form of the provision of discounted expert consulting services in the areas of:
    • strategic management and innovation management (10 companies supported);
    • strategic consulting when entering new markets (5 companies supported);
    • protection and use of intellectual property rights (supported by 5 companies);
    • validation of the business model (7 companies supported);
    • development of process management in the company with the aim of their optimization and gradual digital transformation (supported by 21 companies);
    • business and marketing strategy (supported by 13 companies);
    • consulting in the field of design or construction processes with an emphasis on the introduction of Industry 4.0 elements into corporate practice. (supported by 11 companies).
    The total amount of consulting services provided to SMEs is more than 13.5 million CZK and the subsidy provided for these services is approximately 10.2 million CZK. The outputs and impacts of the project were evaluated positively by the grant provider, grant recipients, i.e. regional SMEs and expert advisors. A subsequent PoTr2 project is being prepared, with the assumption of starting in October 2024.

    Innovation infrastructure

    The South Bohemian Science and Technology Park provides universal office and laboratory premises equipped with furniture and devices under favorable conditions. There are also premises for rent of a pilot nature, where it is possible to test your ideas in conditions approaching real operation, meeting rooms and technical facilities.
    Part of the building of the second stage of JVTP is the so-called smart energy point, which allows to produce and store electricity not only for the building’s own needs, but to sell the surplus to the public electricity grid. The system consists of a vanadium battery working in combination with a photovoltaic system located on the roof and facade of the building. This technology increases the energy self-sufficiency of the building and reduces operating costs.
    The infrastructure of the second stage of the JVTP consists not only of premises, but also of laboratory equipment, which is available both for permanent lease and for short-term lending.
    Jihočeský vědeckotechnický park, a.s. operates within the joint regional initiative Jihočeský Digi Hub testing laboratories for new technologies (AI, RPA, VR + AR). In the testing laboratory, with the help of a team of experts, those interested can learn about new technologies, find out how a specific technology can be integrated into the organization’s normal processes and how to speed up, refine, reduce and streamline existing processes. Testing laboratories are prepared for small and medium-sized enterprises, educational institutions, public administration and other organizations that want to try out the possibilities and operation of new technologies before their own purchase and implementation into the activities of these organizations. A team of professional consultants is ready to advise on a technical solution corresponding to the specific needs of the organization and with the possibility of using programs to support the introduction of new technologies and innovations into the corporate environment.
    The JVTP project, stage II.A is a part of the generally conceived approach of the South Bohemian Region to the provision of services for business support. As such, the park is a leader in a broader innovation infrastructure in the region, which includes organizations involved in research and development, technology transfer and support for the implementation of research and development results into practice.
    This approach is covered by the South Bohemian Region project called Smart Accelerator 2 in the South Bohemian Region, which aims to connect partial support tools aimed at developing innovations in the region and create an effective innovation system that will provide comprehensive solutions to support the innovation environment. JVTP acts here as the implementer of project activities.
    Involvement in cooperation networks is an important prerequisite for obtaining valid information and thus for providing quality services. From this point of view, the membership of JVTP, a.s. in the Society of Science and Technology Parks, which brings contacts to a number of other institutions and information from various areas relevant to the operation of the science and technology park. Within their regional representation, they use the Society of Science and Technology Parks of the Czech Republic, z.s. and the Association of Innovative Entrepreneurship of the Czech Republic, z.s. JVTP services in the form of virtual offices.
    JVTP, a.s. is a member of the Regional Food Cluster, whose members are companies and research organizations in the field of food and other supporting organizations. Thanks to membership in the cluster, JVTP, a.s. opportunity to work with cluster members. The interconnection with the Regional Food Cluster is also strengthened by the fact that the cluster currently uses a virtual office on the premises of JVTP.

    Cooperation with universities

    JVTP, a.s. cooperates with all universities in the South Bohemian region in the form of joint projects, as well as in participation in platforms and commissions supporting innovation in the South Bohemian region, as well as organizing lectures, excursions and seminars for students. Within the framework of regional and national programs, it mediates cooperation with universities and research organizations from all over the Czech Republic. In thematic projects, it establishes cooperation with foreign universities from Slovakia, Austria, Hungary, Germany, Poland, etc.

  • Services provided to innovation companies

    by STP
    business plans
    technological advisory
    patent advisory
    certification advisory
    financing advisory
    legal advisory
    marketing advisory
    education (courses for enterpreneurs)
    by STP
    Technical services
    secretarial services
    telephone exchange
    telephone, fax
    text processing
    buffet, cantine
    conference space
    computer for technical usage
    access to data banks
    exhibition space
    by STP
    other forms

  • Service expenses

    STP service costs
    only according to actual costs
    only fixed payment tariff
    fixed payment and additional charge for use
    in lumps: rent, security, cleaning, phone, post
    Oher costs (p.a.)
    acc. to usage
    fixed CZK/m2
    Rent (p.a.)
    office space
    production space

  • Statistical data

    Rented area m2
    Land area
    4235 m2
    Built up park area
    1422 m2
    Utility area
    3107 m2
    – Rented area
    1869 m2
    = Remains for rent
    1238 m2

  • Innovation companies

    bluematic 05367786
    This this company deals with building up and maintaining networks for the internet of things, and with producing devices for data gathering (chips). The main features of this network are long signal coverage of the base stations (to 40 km in open landscape, units of kilometres in a built-up area) and low energy demands of the devices. All network technologies applied by this company comes from their own development and production. It is a company with a virtual office in a science and technology park.

    Jan Dolejší
    WWW: http://

    0801 – Measurement and control
    0907 – Signal processing

    74 – Other business activities


    A-SPEKTRUM s.r.o. 63907551
    The company has a long-term focus on spatial planning, architectural design, consultancy and EIA/SEA assessment of the effects of buildings on the environment. The area of interest of this company is mainly the solution of a new method of housing construction, suitable for smaller residences and low-income residents, the so-called domkodomy®. It uses innovative and smart solutions and inventions to reduce the carbon footprint, save energy, water and raw materials and achieve a healthy living environment.

    Stanislav Kovář
    Tel.: +420604602972

    0200 – Power engineering

    45 – Construction
    73 – Research and development


    ab3d 17863643
    The company ab3d s.r.o. specializes in providing a wide range of services in the field of 3D visualization, scanning, 3D printing and conversion of models into virtual or augmented reality. Thanks to our technologies we are able to provide high quality 3D models for realistic animations, interactive web presentations and 3D printing. We also offer training and workshops for companies and schools in this area. We also provide consultancy and look for new ways to automate and put these technologies into practice.

    Václav Čech
    Tel.: +420605708148

    0300 – Production and process engineering
    0304 – Production and process engineering (other)
    0404 – Digital media
    0411 – Multimedia
    0416 – Software development technology
    0418 – Virtual techniques
    9007 – Fabrice from Plasticine
    9011 – Software development

    73 – Research and development


    In Adventurer Solutions s.r.o. focuses on the development of the Adventurer mobile application, which serves users as a unique helper in planning outdoor activities and navigating the route. Experiences are much more in life than the things we own and that’s why they want to bring people moments that they will remember for the rest of their lives.

    Karel Šimek
    Tel.: +420737178238

    9011 – Software development

    92 – Recreational, cultural and sporting activities


    AI TEK s.r.o. 174 66 20
    A company dealing with artificial intelligence, which focuses its activity on two key areas. The first area is educational activity and assistance in building a new community of artificial intelligence experts in the region at all levels of the educational system, and the second area is research and development of new AI-artificial intelligence applications. The goal is to build a community of AI experts, help companies in the digital transformation of AI technologies and work on new research projects with the possibility of using AI – artificial intelligence.

    Jonáš Benjamin Tekel
    Tel.: +420 721 045 009
    WWW: http://

    0409 – Artificial intelligence
    0600 – Management techniques
    0601 – Bionics
    0900 – Microelectronics
    9011 – Software development

    72 – Computer and related activities


    DOMINANT GENETIKA s.r.o. 09742069
    The company Dominant genetika s.r.o. implements applied research in the field of molecular biology, genomic selection and monitoring of the health status of poultry farms in our breeding programs, which will speed up and streamline the breeding process. The aim is to maintain and increase the quality of our products in the original breeding program, which has been known on the domestic and world markets for over 30 years. The output is constantly renewed and improved lines and sub lines of hens of the carrier type with the trade name DOMINANT (approximately 40 lines) protected not only in the EU, registered trademarks and included in the Czech Republic in the National Program for Protection and Conservation of Genetic Resources for Agriculture.

    RNDr. Milan Tyller
    Tel.: +420 602 642 557
    WWW: http://

    0101 – Agricultural biology
    0106 – Genetic engineering

    73 – Research and development


    Fiedler AMS 03155501
    Fiedler AMS deals with production and development of electronics for hydrology, meteorology and environment protection. The company cooperates on research and development of new products with research organisations. Monitoring and measuring systems developed by Fiedler AMS are well established in the Czech Republic and thanks to its modularity have a potential to be applied in many other fields.

    Jindřich Fiedler
    Tel.: +420 386 358 274
    Fax: +420 386 358 274

    0800 – Measurement and control
    1505 – Environmental analysis and measuring techniques

    31 – Manufacture of electrical machinery and apparatus n.e.c.
    32 – Manufacture of radio, television and communication equipment and apparatus


    GENLABS s.r.o. 01853805
    GENLABS Genetic Laboratory is a registered and accredited medical facility currently offering more than 30 different genetic tests, mainly in the field of pharmacogenomics, nutrigenomics, oncogenetics and haemocoagulation. The laboratory has established and active cooperation with the University of South Bohemia in the form of pedagogy, further by leading bachelor’s and master’s theses, implementing student research projects and providing free professional internships and internships in the genetic laboratory. The goal of GENLABS s.r.o. is not only to provide quality services using the latest knowledge and methodological approaches of genetics and molecular biology, but also to raise awareness among the general public about the importance of genetic diagnostics and its contribution to preventive medicine and rational pharmacy.

    Mgr. Dagmar Riegert Bystřická, PhD
    Tel.: +420 603 286 725

    0102 – Biomedicine
    0402 – Bioinformation technology

    73 – Research and development


    Guide Group 07154658
    Guide Group ltd. is a company dealing with development of a software for tourism. Primarily, Guide Group focuses on the area of guiding activities with the aim to make the work of tourist guides easier and save time of tourist agencies and cultural objects while they are searching suitable business partner. Guide Group also provides support for students searching for some working practice in tourism and need to get worthy experience. The whole concept is to connect particular segments of tourism industry and to facilitate their effective communication. It is a company with a virtual office in a science and technology park.

    Karel Šimek
    Tel.: +420 737 178 238

    9011 – Software development

    74 – Other business activities


    HackFood 17439388
    HackFood s.r.o. is a Czech company engaged in the development and production of healthy foods that are enriched with natural bioactive substances with specific, known and scientifically proven effects. The final product is thus a nutritionally valuable food „hacked“ with specific health benefits conferred by the added bioactive substances. Recipes are created to respond not only to current trends in nutrition, but also to reflect the problems and needs facing society today (digestive problems, lack of energy, hormonal imbalances, inflammation, etc…).

    Daniel Kotrba
    Tel.: +420775 370 951

    0104 – Bioengineering

    15 – Manufacture of food products and beverages


    HEAT ME 26042665
    The company HEAT ME a.s., innovation & efficient heating technology deals with the development, production, sale and installation of equipment for the production and regulation of heat, especially from renewable energy sources. The company’s main products are, among others, the most efficient cogeneration units, and carbon heating infrastructures. Another product is interior additional insulation “from the inside” with 1 mm thin-walled thermoactive spraying for significant savings in heating costs, removal of moisture, creating comfort in residential and other areas of buildings. It is a company with a virtual office in a science and technology park.

    Tel.: +420734402422

    9002 – Technical Equipments

    45 – Construction
    73 – Research and development


    HERBAVITA CZ s.r.o. 08882967
    The company HERBAVITA CZ s.r.o. specializes in the development and distribution of supplementary feed for livestock, based on a natural basis. The main purpose is to reduce the excessive use of antibiotics and other drugs in the field of livestock – dairy cattle, beef cattle, poultry and pigs. He participates in the development of natural supplementary feeds supporting the natural immunity of animals and increasing their overall resistance and performance, without the emergence of harmful residues or resistance, and also deals with the development of innovative software for monitoring the health of farm animals and optimizing feed rations.

    Ing. Ondřej Otáhal
    Tel.: +420 770 617 061
    WWW: http://

    0101 – Agricultural biology

    01 – Agriculture, hunting and related service activities


    Holistic management 26093219
    Holistic management ltd helps enterpises to achieve measureable improvements of their performance when maximising employees’ involvement and satisfaction using innovative methods of Holistic Management based on principles of working with so called live systems, Incentive-compatible regulation, corporate DNA, transformation processes from NLP and so on. BCF works with a unique concept connecting health and performance Health Tuning® to save performance focused persons (managers, sportsmen) before or after their burn-out. An integral part of the company portfolio is education part of the Competence Academy® aiming at training of managers, internal lecturer, professional couches and also cooperation in lectures and publishing activities at selected universities in the Czech Republic.

    Leoš Kubíček
    Tel.: +420 724 250 603

    0600 – Management techniques
    0603 – Management techniques (other)
    0604 – Organization und management

    74 – Other business activities


    i2LResearch Europe 27845281
    i2LResearch Europe s.r.o. is a branch of international company with branches in Czechia, Great Britain, Spain and USA. The company deals with testing effectivity of biocides and products for plant control. The Czech branch is focused on testing insecticides, repellents and herbicides, but it is able to ensure complex services ranging from pest monitoring to studies of ecotoxicology and testing effectivity and registering products in the EU, USA and Canada. i2LResearch Ltd offers also in-vitro testing of anti-parasitic and disinfection preparations. The Czech branch is holder of GLP and GEP certifications.

    Pavel Foltan

    0100 – Bioengineering

    73 – Research and development


    LARX 02916428
    LARX was founded for developing software for so called intelligent housing or home automatization (managing various home technologies through mobile application). The company develops upgrade for mobile applications of this system in a direct cooperation with an Austrian company – the only owner of a licence on the operating system LOXONE for mobile managing of intelligent houses.

    Radek Bartuška
    Tel.: +420 728 200 150

    0400 – Information and communications technology
    0408 – Information management
    9011 – Software development

    93 – Other service activities


    Mycoprogress, spol. s r.o. 09284915
    The company MycoProgress, spol. s r.o. deals with the development of new growing biotechnologies optimal for the production of edible and medicinal mushrooms. The subject of our interest are species of mushrooms with significant health and taste benefits, for which currently available cultivation technologies suitable for the production of a sufficient number of quality products have not been developed in the Czech Republic. We primarily deal with the medicinal fungus of the species Cordyceps militaris (red caterpillar). The company solves the technology comprehensively, gradually in the following steps: isolation of fungal strains, optimization of growing conditions for the production of seedlings and fruiting bodies, quality testing, development of prototypes of growing equipment and new types of mushroom products, especially for food and feed. The aim is to develop state-of-the-art technologies from cultivation to production of products with regard to the content of medicinal bioactive substances, economics, waste-free production and use of domestic raw materials, including consulting.

    Oto Hausenblas

    0104 – Bioengineering

    15 – Manufacture of food products and beverages
    73 – Research and development


    Natura ImunEco 06331785
    NATURA IMUNECO, s.r.o. is entirely Czech company which main activity is production of Vitestin® and research of its influence on inflammatory digestion diseases espetially on Crohn disease, ulcerative colonitis as well as idiopathic diseases.

    Ing. Jiří Šuster
    Tel.: +420 383 579 181

    0102 – Biomedicine

    15 – Manufacture of food products and beverages
    73 – Research and development


    NaučímeAI s.r.o. 19378289
    A company engaged in the creation of educational materials in the field of the use of AI for education and other fields. He is also building an educational platform of the same name specialized in AI. This platform will not only serve to distribute our own materials, but will also provide a space for other entities that want to share or monetize their educational resources.

    Štěpán Janás
    Tel.: +420602 428 700

    0400 – Information and communications technology
    0409 – Artificial intelligence

    73 – Research and development
    93 – Other service activities


    Regionální potravinářský klastr 72054956
    The mission and goal of the cluster organization is to develop business and non-business activities, development and research activities and to provide services for the benefit of the overall development of the members of the cluster organization. The basic vision is to activate existing members in the next three years, or to find additional members who will be interested in cooperating within the cluster organization.

    Ladislav Skořepa
    Tel.: +420 607 281 069

    0300 – Production and process engineering

    15 – Manufacture of food products and beverages
    73 – Research and development


    ReWork Automation s.r.o. is the first company in the South Bohemian Region that helps companies automate and digitize business processes through software tools. By combining experienced experts from all over the Czech Republic and Slovakia with South Bohemian beginners, it creates competent experts in the South Bohemian Region and brings new opportunities for professional employment. The goal is to help companies take advantage of new technologies and bring real value to business through them. In ReWork Automation s.r.o. We rely on knowledge, innovation and enthusiasm for technology in combination with local operations in the South Bohemian Region, and thanks to this we provide comprehensive and functional digital solutions that can change your business.This is a company with a virtual office in a science and technology park.

    Václav Hlaváček

    0301 – Computer-assisted production, control and planning, robotics
    0407 – Information and communications technology (other)
    0408 – Information management
    0602 – Innovation management
    0604 – Organization und management
    9011 – Software development

    72 – Computer and related activities


    SHIELD SYSTÉM s. r. o. 06376428
    Shield System s.r.o. was founded in 2017 for the purpose of research and development of electronic devices, systems for industrial applications and energy. Another idea led us to the development of communication, positioning systems and the production of electronics from our own development. We do not forget even our smallest future developers and therefore we are developing an application environment for preschoolers.

    Eduard Čeněk

    0200 – Power engineering
    0403 – Broadband communications
    0903 – High-speed electronics
    9002 – Technical Equipments
    9011 – Software development

    73 – Research and development


    Ústav výzkumu globální změny AV ČR – Oddělení ukládání uhlíku v krajině 86652079
    Among other things, the department participates in the implementation of the Czechglobe project, the aim of which is to build a research infrastructure that will enable comprehensive research on the issue of global climate change and the related social dimension. The results can be used mainly in the state administration in the field of environmental protection, spatial planning and agriculture. However, they can also be valuable for companies doing business in forestry and agriculture, as well as in all fields for which soil quality is important.

    Tel.: +420 511 192 221

    1507 – Environmental engineering (other)

    73 – Research and development


    Virtual Lab, s.r.o. 08065811
    The entire Virtual Lab project is based on the concept of Holistic Management, which guarantees an improvement in the performance of companies, teams and individual clients. This is an experienced concept proven in the long term context of corporate education, but also works with strategic setup of the whole company. Virtual Lab uses virtual reality to increase efficiency and benefit of the Holistic Management as a whole. Virtual Lab became the first project using virtual reality for corporate education and manager trainings in the Czech Republic.

    Leoš Kubíček
    Tel.: +420 724 250 603

    0418 – Virtual techniques

    74 – Other business activities


    voltix s.r.o. 06227767
    The company voltix s.r.o. deals with the design, development and construction of sophisticated solutions for photovoltaic power plants with an emphasis on maximum self-sufficiency and the use of all produced energy directly on site. After a thorough analysis of the consumption profile of the given house, small operation, we simulate and propose a solution for the smart use of energy from the sun. We design and develop high-quality unique solutions where it is not possible to power the house from the grid for technical reasons, or it is not possible to implement overflows from the photovoltaic power plant back into the grid. Our solutions are characterized by an open technical architecture, repairability and pressure on used components mainly from the EU.

    Petr Troják
    Tel.: +420601 370 007

    0400 – Information and communications technology
    0408 – Information management
    9011 – Software development

    93 – Other service activities


    WINDTHERAPY CENTER s.r.o. 21007870
    The company WINDTHERAPY CENTER s.r.o. is a Czech company engaged in research into the effect of wind on human physiology and mentality and running rehabilitation therapy exercises with people with health and mental problems in the wind tunnel and through tandem jumps.

    Martina Bednářová
    Tel.: +420 775133314 

    0704 – Medical equipment and systems

    73 – Research and development
    93 – Other service activities


    Zonepi Research s.r.o. 17565413
    A startup engaged in the development of hardware in the field of AI, robotics and electronics for education and industry. It focuses on educating the future generation in the field of digital technologies. The company includes an educational team made up of experienced lecturers who organize educational workshops for children and adults in the field of robotics, electrical engineering and virtual (augmented) reality.


    0414 – Parallel computers
    0600 – Management techniques
    0801 – Measurement and control
    0900 – Microelectronics
    0906 – Microelectronics (other)

    72 – Computer and related activities
    73 – Research and development
    93 – Other service activities

  • Subject:
    Type of cooperation:
    common project
    Description: VReduMED will improve collaboration between educational institutions in the healthcare sector and healthcare technology suppliers, especially SMEs/startups, using virtual and augmented reality to enrich the education of healthcare students and improve the skills of healthcare professionals, to support the introduction of MedTech assistance systems in the healthcare sector and to kick-start the co-development of demand-driven MedTech solutions to make care work more attractive and ensure high-quality care services in the future. The project builds on the VReduNET project (ATCZ256), which is looking at the use of virtual and augmented reality (VR/AR) in education.
    The VReduMED partnership consists of 10 partner organisations from 5 Central European countries. AT, HU, DE. The project region has been defined to reflect the care situation as well as the common challenges in the field of health workforce education in the neighbouring Central European regions, representing institutions for higher education in health care as well as clusters with networks of MedTech and IT companies, an economic institute and a specialised educational research organisation.
    The main strategic outputs will be a Roadmap for VR in MedTech products/services and a Handbook for integrating VR into care education. The consortium will create a transnational care education forum to guide the collaboration of care professionals with MedTech companies and VR experts. Three VR labs will be established for demonstration sessions and usability tests. Six different pilot events will test different use cases for VR and bring together target groups in co-creation innovation workshops and transnational hackathon interactions. More than 90 organisations will participate in the pilot events together with students and care teachers. All partners will work together to identify innovative project concepts to develop VR-based solutions for the care sector. The partners will continuously support 25 organisations in the development of VR-based solutions for the care sector after the end of the project.
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    AI Catalyst for SME’s
    Type of cooperation:
    common project
    Description: The Czech Republic and Austria have a lot to catch up on in the practical use of artificial intelligence solutions. The share of enterprises using AI applications is well below 10% in both countries (year 2020 and 2021, respectively). In particular, in SMEs, there is uncertainty and lack of clarity about how AI can be meaningfully used to solve specific business problems and thus reap the benefits of AI. These problems often
    deepens the lack of human and financial resources. Nevertheless, AI is one of the TOP current topics of the European Union. At the heart of the EU’s approach to building resilience in the digital age is the 2018 European Strategy for Artificial Intelligence, which at its core supports AI that „benefits people and society as a whole“. In 2019, it was expanded to focus on „trustworthy AI“ to fulfill this vision
    (European Commission, 2018, 2019). The recently adopted European Union Act on Artificial Intelligence takes the first legislative steps to regulate artificial intelligence (European Commission, 2023). The meaningful use of AI offers great opportunities for businesses and can significantly contribute to economic progress and global competitiveness. The AI Catalyst for SMEs project contributes to introducing know-how from research into
    practice, including what opportunities AI offers, what AI solutions can be applied to what problems, and shows the essential key factors for successful AI implementation. In addition, possible applications are reflected from an ethical point of view. The identification and analysis of good cases triggers learning and thinking processes in companies.

    The online platform, which will be available to all interested parties even after the end of the project, serves as a knowledge platform, but also as a platform of good practice examples, which includes project outputs, such as the AI Readiness Radar, with which companies can do their own checking
    your readiness for AI. As part of cross-border project activities, companies are informed and trained about the benefits and possibilities of using artificial intelligence. This includes the joint cross-border development of the AI Readiness Radar, an AI training module for managers, development and reflection of good practice examples, AI SDT Labs, an online platform and AI Days. Recommendations will be drawn up for political officials in Austria and the Czech Republic
    republic to ensure that future strategies in the field of AI take into account knowledge and experience as well as developed tools and are discussed at the political level. The AI Catalyst for SMEs project follows an innovative and participatory approach. Companies from all program regions are actively involved in the development and testing of project outputs. In addition to companies, especially small and medium-sized enterprises, the project
    it addresses regional governments, policy makers, the scientific community, society and business support organizations.

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    Crossborder Start-up Point
    Type of cooperation:
    common project
    Description: The common challenge of the program area is the need for cross-border cooperation in the area of support for startups identified in the successfully implemented cross-border project S3CoupleNet focused on the cooperation of innovative actors in South Bohemia and Upper Austria, supported by the signed memorandum on cooperation between the governors of both regions and the related cross-border „competitions“ of business ideas and startups of the South Bohemian Region and Upper Austria called „Crossborder Idea & Startup Contest“. The aim of the project is to create a cross-border Czech-Austrian support network for start-ups in the South Bohemian Region and Upper Austria. It includes cross-border Startup Points with services and support tools for budding innovative entrepreneurs (young entrepreneurs up to 10 years of existence) with the potential to become a startup (potential for rapid growth and high added value), bearers of interesting business ideas, startups, founders, coworking centers, university and research teams, mentors, investors, so-called regional patriots. The main output of the project is the establishment and operation of startup points, including their methodology, with a focus on the functioning cooperation of the startup community. The pilot-tested methodology will be transferred to the practical operation of Startup Points and will help to create a unique, not yet existing, joint Czech-Austrian workspace for startups, who will be able to use comprehensive services and cross-border support and knowledge networks and move their business ideas into successful business practice. The methodology can be transferred to other regions. It will be presented to other actors from the program area at the final conference. The project will be aimed at entrepreneurs with the intention of penetrating international markets and, in the first phase, the neighboring cross-border region. These are entrepreneurs who are looking for a professional work environment where they can expand their contacts, learn from experienced entrepreneurs and optimize their business processes and intensify / accelerate their business activities thanks to tools and support services.
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